Rainbow Women of Kenya (RWOK)
Rainbow Women of Kenya is a Lesbian, Bisexual, Intersex and queer women (LBIQ) community based organization (CBO). It was established in July 2012 to promote, access and equally exercise a fully comprehensive health rights package and fulfil the rights of LBT women, including sexual and legal rights free of discrimination on the basis of gender identity, sexual orientation, health -status, socio-economic status or any other form of status; and realisation of their involvement in today’s society.
Mission: To recognise, protect and fulfil women’s sexual health rights and legal rights at all times, freedom to explore their sexuality freely in a society that celebrates all forms of diversities irrespective of sexual and gender status
Vision: Advocating on Zero tolerance on discrimination and all forms of violations towards lesbians, bisexual and transgender women in Kenya.
RWOK's focus areas include
- Sexual reproductive health (SRH)
- Legal rights
- social responsibility as an advocacy strategy
- Research and documentation
- Empowerment Initiatives or Income generating activities
Our focus areas are guided by the following objectives
- Engage and focus in advocacy work, research and documentation
- To strengthen the recognition of Sexual rights which are encompassed in the broader human rights aspect
- To Accord the members opportunity to fully participate in the movement building through opinions, leadership, governance and decision making level
- To create partnerships with other like-minded organizations/Individuals groups/donors through Networking
- Promotion of women’s professional development and empowerment through different Capacity building and skills
- Creation of safe space, social activities through community Voluntary services by bringing the community together through different forums, trainings, workshops, conferences and social events.