
LEHA is an LBQ organization in Central Kenya Region whose aim is to advocate for all LBQ persons in central Kenya region against discrimination, human rights violation and have access to quality health care. LEHA implements programs that are innovative, adaptive and targeted; that utilize of existing structures; interventions that are evidence-based and that encompass results-based monitoring and evaluation and participatory approach. LEHA continues to utilize communication, education, outreach and social mobilization activities to drive and sustain increased demand for services and reduce social, economic and cultural barriers that prevent community access. LEHA is driven by a team of passionate, dedicated and young LBQ professionals.


To advocate for all LBQ women in central Kenya region against discrimination, human rights violation and have access to sexual reproductive health services (SRH).


To ensure that LBQs women have access to quality sexual reproductive health services without stigma and discrimination or violation of human right.

LEHA’s Core Values


We are efficient, transparent and responsibly apply resources entrusted to us for optimal benefits to our beneficiaries.


We consistently live for our commitments and hold ourselves to the highest level of moral and ethical uprightness and honesty


We put forth our personal and professional best to deliver to the satisfaction of the set and maintain the gold standard


We are passionate about our mission and vision, we go beyond the call to deliver that supersedes our beneficiaries and partners expectations.


We are trailblazers, we boldly take leadership on new frontiers and question the status quo and undertake change where need be.


LEHA programs are designed under four major pillars

  • Health
  • Advocacy
  • Research
  • Economic empowerment
  • Program Activities

1. SIRI Wednesday

#SIRI is an online platform where members can share their pressing issues anonymously as a way of psychosocial support. #SIRI which happens every Wednesday has increased the online participation and members are able to provide feedback/ advice to issues raised anonymously.

2. Peer to peer health education sessions

LEHA has 15 trained LBQ Peer educators who are able to reach grassroot LBQ persons with health information, commodities while also responding to violence at the ground.

3. Psychosocial Support Groups

Psychosocial support anonymous; LEHA has organized psychosocial support anonymous groups for individuals who have ever experienced discrimination of any sort and those who have experienced traumatic situations. These groups are led by a qualified LBQ friendly psychologists who provide one on one sessions and group therapy. The psychologist also provides private sessions for those individuals who require more attention depending on need.

4. Round Table Discussion Groups

Advocacy round table discussion: due to inadequacy of information on LBQ rights, LEHA conducts monthly round table discussions where self-advocacy is highly emphasized, thus members are equipped with knowledge and skills to ensure that they avoid human rightsviolation and are able to speak up and defend themselves when stigmatized or discriminated especially by the general public.

5. Commodities distribution

LEHA has repackaged condoms and lubricants to make them appealing for LBQ persons uptake and utilization

6. Bio medical services provision

LEHA provides Sexual Reproductive Health services which included, HIV testing and counselling, family planning, STI screening and treatment, Cervical cancer and breast cancer
screening, through the drop in center and also community based outreaches at the grassroot level.

7. LEHA Safe space

LEHA has opened a safe space that provides a place for the LBQ persons to come relax.