Amkeni Malindi

Amkeni Malindi is an LGBTIQ organization Founded in 2009 as an MSM youth supporting  group. The organisation was later registered as an LGBTIQ community-based organisation in February 2012.

Mission: To promote economic,social and psychological aspects of lives to the highest level of standard possible considering all promotion prototypes while initializing all available resources to improve lives of most at risk persons

Vision: Reduced discrimination through active measures and experience equal conditions for realizing full human potential, have equal opportunities to participate and contribute to the society.

Amkeni's focus areas include

  • Community strengthening; strengthen the capacity of the LGBTIQ community in a variety of issues including health, human rights. We achieve this by creating safe spaces for dialogue and offering psychosocial support
  • Health promotion; we achieve this by encourage effecctie and efficient use of protection commodities such as condoms and lubricants. This will also increase access to services related to LGBTIQ/MSM sexual reproductive health.
  • Human rights/policy advocacy; we are engaged in advocacy initiatives to decrease stigma and discrimination affecting LGBTIQ community. We work in collaboration with relevant stakeholders including Government and CSOs to highlight these issues and advocate for inclusion.
  • Economic and social empowerment; this area provides an opportunity to strengthen the economic capacity and wellbeing of members through linkage to various entrepreneurial activities.
  • Service delivery; a critical focus area that hopes to address the inequalities within the service delivery sector. Through this, we work to ensure that LGBTIQ persons are accessing the high standard of healthcare, as enshrined in our constitution.

+254 708 791323 /+254 707 073067